Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Die With Your Boots On!

Die with your boots on! No, I'm not referring to the song by Iron Maiden, but the principle of perseverence, tanacity, or even sticktooitivness if you will. And no, I'm not trying to get all Tony Robins on you either. I think that there is real virtue in sticking with something that is hard. And before you call me Captain Obvious, I think it is actually okay to fail...if you at least give it your best and don't quit. In other words, if you're going to go down, go down fighting. Die with your boots on!

The reason I am thinking of all this is because I find myself doing lots of things that are really hard. I uprooted and moved to Georgia, I joined a new church that challenges me immensely, and I work at a very demanding job now. I've never had all of this at one time and the temptation to quit has been very strong. But the Lord is faithful and He has reminded me many times of Scriptures that speak of being faithful, even unto death. He promises me that if I trust in Him while faithfully doing my job, loving my wife, and serving my church, He will reward me with great rewards in Heaven after the resurrection of my body. So even if things don't work out here, at least I am going to do my best, trusting His power, and leaving the outcome to Him.

Two of the things that have really encouraged me are the doctrine of the resurrection of the body that believers will receive when Jesus returns, and the nature of spiritual warfare. Jesus promises His followers that those who are faithful and wise will receive a resurrection to eternal life and receive rewards when He comes (Matthew 25:14-30). The devil knows this so he and his demons war against us to try to get us to quit and become like the guy with the talent who hid it in the field and was destroyed for it (Matthew 25:24-30). He does this by telling us that Jesus doesn't really love us, or that we don't have the power to do it, or that we will be better off by doing something else that doesn't advance Christ's Kingdom. Our flesh doesn't help either becuase it lusts against the Spirit who helps us obey Christ (Galatians 5:17).

I believe the best way to fight back is to remember that Jesus DOES love you, that He has forgiven you, and that He does promise that if you belong to Him, you will persevere triumphantly to the end (Jeremiah 32:40; Romans 8:31-39). The followers of Jesus are those who overcome by the Blood of the Lamb (Revelation 12:10,11). That is, they conquer by remembering that their sins have been forgiven and that Jesus loves them furiously. The devil's only weapon - accusation, has been taken from him.

Saints, let us conquer by the Blood of the Lamb and die with our boots on!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Zealous for the Charismatic

You might say that over the last several months this label has described me. I first became a "charismatic" or "continuationist" about six years ago when I was nineteen years old. It happened when I realized that I wanted to pursue the pastoral ministry. I toured a small Baptist college and took some literature home with me (I didn't realize it at the time, but I strongly suspect that college to have been independent fundamentalist baptist).

My dad noticed a rather strong statement against speaking in tongues. Basically, if a student either spoke in and/or encouraged others to speak in tongues, they would be kicked out of school. This, along with another baptist man I knew who encouraged me to read John MacArthur's book Charismatic Chaos, sent me on a search through the Scriptures to determine whether or not the "gift of tongues" was for today. Long story short, I came to believe and realize that tongues had not ceased and was still a gift being given today. Needless to say I had to find another college to attend.

I soon came to Trinity College of Florida and there also ran into the question of the "miraculous" gifts of the Holy Spirit. I and a few other students and professors firmly believed in them while others were either completely cessationist (believing that they were not for today, although there were relatively few) or among the "open but cautious" crowd that still bothers me to no end.

Anyway, over the last six years I have thoroughly studied, doubted, reaffirmed, refined, and repeated the process over these gifts of the Holy Spirit. I am not an "expert", but I know what the Scriptures say and I have experienced many of these things in my life.

It's interesting to me that other related issues would present themselves. Since 2003, I have studied, discussed, and come to affirm other things like signs and wonders, dreams and visions, the Ephesians 4 ministries, Acts as prescriptive and not merely descriptive, manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as experiential.

I should however say that I don't believe it is enough simply to theoretically or theologically affirm them without actually seeking them. This is reductionistic and out of step with what Scripture teaches (1 Corinthians 14:1 for example on prophecy). This is what drives me crazy over the "open but cautious" camp or even charismatic fellowships that confess it but leave it there and don't actually do anything about it. I have come to believe that it is important to contend for the overtly supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit and to actively seek it for God's glory and in conformity to Scripture.

That being said I wish to clearly spell out what I believe about the charismatic. Some might need further clarification, but for now here they are. I believe:

-That all of the gifts and offices of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the New Testament are still valid for today and will not cease or disappear until Jesus returns to earth (1 Corinthians 13:8-12; Ephesians 4:9-16).

-The gift of prophecy in the New Testament is not entirely the same as that in the OT, but not entirely different either. The difference is more of function than nature. This may require further clarification in the future.

-Prophetic gifts, dreams and visions, and the like are no threat to the sufficiency of Scripture or Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone).

-These gifts and offices are given by the risen and reigning Christ as signs of the present and advancing Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Ephesians 4:9-16)

-We should pray expectantly for healing (James 5:14-18).

-Demons are still active in the world today although Satan and his demons were dealt a decicive blow at the cross. The casting out of demons is still a ministry needed today and serves as a sign of the present Kingdom of God (Matthew 12:28; Mark 16:17-18; John 14:12)

-The office of Apostle is still functioning. Apostles are church planters, provide oversight to clusters of churches, and often take the Gospel to unreached people groups (Ephesians 4:9-16; pretty much the entire book of Acts).

-We should seek, pray for, and expect God to confirm the Gospel through signs and wonders (Mark 16:17-18; John 14:12)

-God still speaks through dreams and visions (Acts 2:15-21)

-The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is experiential although ideally part of the conversion process (Acts 2:2-4; 8:14-17; 9:17-18; 10:44-46; 19:1-6; this also requires some further clarification, which I will provide sometime).

-All of the gifts should be pursued and practiced by the Church for the upbuilding of the Body of Christ and furthering its unity, especially the gift of prophecy and the gift/office of apostle(1 Corinthians 14:1;39; Ephesians 4:9-16)

-Narrative portions of Scripture, and especially Acts can serve as a paradigm for normal Christian experience (Romans 15:4; 1 Corinthians 10:6; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 5:16b-18)

-All things should be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:39). Decency and orderliness are not unclear. There is little distinction between "God's order" and human order. That said however, orderliness and not always clean and neat or easily explainable.

Well there you have it. I'm sure someone won't like what I've written but as Martin Luther so eloquently put it centuries ago: "My conscience is captive to the Word of God...to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen."

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Frontiers Men's Retreat

I just got back about ten minutes ago from Atlanta for the Southeastern Regional Men's Retreat for New Frontiers. I have really enjoyed getting to know more about New Frontiers. I think that there model of leadership, particularly in the area of the apostolic ministry is solid, biblical, and practical.

However, the theme for this year's men's conference was not the apostolic ministry but rather biblical masculinity. John Lanferman, the apostolic leader of NF in the United States, took us three times to the story of Elijah. He noted that Elijah was not a "well-balanced" prophet, but rather a fiery preacher who was zealous for God. He knew he was God's man, in God's place, at God's time. However, Elijah was a man like us (James 5:17), and he was tempted to quit and throw in the towel. We looked at 1 Kings 19 and Elijah's encounter with God on the mountain after the incident with the prophets of Ba'al.

It's interesting that God, being like a father, told Elijah to basically get back in the game and do God's work when speaking to him in the "low whisper" (v. 12).

...And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him and said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" He said, "I have been very jealous for the LORD, the God of Hosts. For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword, and I, even I only, am left, and they seek my life, to take it away." And the LORD said to him, "Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus. And when you arrive, you shall anoint Hazael to be king over Syria. And Jehu the son of Nimshi you shall anoint to be king over Israel, and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah you shall anoint to be prophet in your place... (1 Kings 19:12b-16 ESV)
Later, we heard about how Elijah put his mantle on Elisha and mentored him and the sons of the prophets in 2 Kings 1 and 2, and how Elisha received a double portion of the spirit that was on Elijah.
Carl Herrington, pastor of Jubilee Church in Atlanta, also spoke to us about the spiritual battle we are in and encouraged us as a community, and not as isolated individuals, to take up the armor of God in Ephesians 6. He noted how many churches in the West act as though the spirit realm doesn't exist, or at least minimize it.
The worship music was awesome and I was prayed for the receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit which I did receive by faith. I praise God and hope and pray for more of the Holy Spirit as I continue to follow after God.